Download Metal Slug Attack MOD APK+DATA 1.13. 0 2016 Gratis

Download Metal Slug Attack MOD APK+DATA 1.13. 0 2016 Gratis

Free Download Metal Slug Attack MOD APK+DATA 1.13. 0  2016 Gratis : Ahlan wa Sahlan Assalamualaikum Wr Wb kawan kawan blogger ketemu lagi sama ane, hari ini kerja masih masuk malem nih mata sepet sepet belain buat ngepost postingan ini demi kebahagiaan dan kepuasan ente ente pada, oke kali ini ane bakal ngasi game jadul yak Metal Slug buat kalian yang rindu ama game ini yang bikin ente pada nginget nginget kembali pas lagi di rental ps terus dicariin emaklu suruh pulang buat mandi karna udah sore :D

Download Metal Slug Attack MOD APK+DATA 1.13. 0  2016 Gratis oke buat kalian yang masih belum tahu game ini mengusung game yang bertema strategi yang dikembangkan oleh Royal Gamer dan SNK Playmore okenih bagi kalian yang udah ga sabar pengen cepet cepet nostalgia masa kecil kalian nih monggo di comot linknya .


Mobile games on Android and there were no start out by taking a look at some Metal Slug its Metal Slug, yes you thought right it is the Metal Slug do you remember the sort of arcade side scrolling up and down and sort of world war two themed arcade shooter that takes you through areas of Europe and like i dont probably the armies when we were fighting Japan all around the world to fight basically a figment old version of Nazi Germany and it’s been turned into a game that could best be described as a base defense game not really a tower defense game but I’ll give you a good idea and it’s a game that gives you like it’s it was it’s kind of a time killing mobile game that as you log in during the day you get you know different in-game rewards like in game currency either in supplies or badges or premium stamp card things they’re the army. In game currencies called MSP use by Andropalace them to upgrade your little army and you can also use them to crank the mystery crank which you can crank once a day for free and win marvelous prizes so its good. just it requires farming requires grinding for resources and that’s not always at the top of everyone’s to-do list it’s really not but I do like the characters have their own unique abilities they have their own specialty powers it’s good stuff is my autopilot go for broke here is a better than me in fact I might have to restart this but overall I’d say Metal Slug is worth taking a look at it doesn’t show of premium content down your throat it. its a pretty decent game.


■Multiple feature improvements


Unlimited AP

Requires Android: 4.1 and Up
Credits: RoyalGamer
Version: 1.13.0



 Oke nih ane rasa cukup dulu buat hari ini jangan bosen bosen yee buat mantengin nih blog doakan selalu ada pulsa paketan dan waktu ane buat bagiin nih semua ke kalian, haha oke wassalamualaikum wr, wb
oh ya jika ada kritik dan saran monggo inbox di fb ana : Dimas Onky Raharjo, Instagram : @DimasOnky  ditunggu ya kritik dan sarannya
Download Metal Slug Attack MOD APK+DATA 1.13. 0 2016 Gratis

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